The Guide to Barefoot Training w/ Dr. Emily Splichal, founder of Naboso

In this episode, I speak with Dr. Emily Splichal, a world-renowned podiatrist and human movement specialist who has taught her unique barefoot training approach to 20,000 professionals in more than 35 countries. In our discussion, we cover the four types of flat feet and how to fix them. Dr. Splichal describes the connection between the glutes, core and feet, and how getting all three to work together leads to movement proficiency and longevity. We also delve into the scientifically-backed reasons for which exercising on various surfaces, such as concrete, increases our risk of developing injuries.

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Benefits of Barefoot Running for Injury Prevention w/ Dr. Peter Francis

Interview with Dr. Peter Francis, a Sports & Exercise Scientist out of Ireland, who specialises in the research on sports rehabilitation and human gait biomechanics.

We spoke about the benefits of barefoot running for injury prevention, what the deal is with the widespread issue of flat feet, aka fallen arches, what shoes one should wear to reduce their risk of developing injuries, why Elite athletes like Eliad Kipchoge are such high performers and Dr. Francis also provides the top 7 things everyone should include in their training programs.

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